We work in partnership with the early care and education workforce.
The National Early Care and Education (ECE) Workforce Center is a joint research and technical assistance center that equips state and local leaders to drive change in ECE workforce policy. This center uses a research-to-practice model to advance compensation and career advancement for early educators.
Featured Resources
Our collection of original and curated resources offers the latest research, practical guidance, and examples of innovation to inform the advancement of the ECE workforce.

A Look at Salary/Wage Scales for the Early Childhood Educator Workforce
This brief from Child Care Services Association provides states and cities with background knowledge to develop early childhood workforce salary […]
Published 2024

Early Childhood Workforce Index 2024
This report, developed by the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, provides a state-by-state look at policies and conditions […]
Published 2024

Developing and Strengthening Infant/Toddler Specialist Networks: A Guide for States and Territories
This toolkit by the Child Care State Capacity Building Center is focused on building and leveraging Infant/Toddler Specialist Networks (ITSNs), […]
Published 2021
Key Topics
The foundation of our work is based on five key policy areas, or key topics, sourced from the Early Childhood Workforce Index created by the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment (CSCCE). Knowing that compensation and career advancement represent the most pressing needs of the field, we are currently prioritizing our work on these areas.
Compensation & Financial Relief Strategies
Initiatives and investments to ensure compensation equal to the value of early educators’ work
Financial Resources
Public investment in the ECE workforce and broader ECE system
Qualifications & Educational Support
Policies and pathways that provide consistent standards for educators to achieve higher education
Work Environment Standards
Standards for providing safe and supportive work environments for early educators
Workforce Data
State-level collection of important data on the size, characteristics, and working conditions of the ECE workforce
Get Involved

Integrated Research & Policy Fellowship Program
The Integrated Research & Policy Fellowship is a 12-month paid program designed to support the leadership development of ECE professionals. The program provides an opportunity for emerging leaders to build their expertise on the ECE workforce while gaining skills to effectively bridge research and policy/practice.
Each cohort includes two policy fellows and two research fellows who participate in fellowship activities together focused on understanding the history underlying the current ECE system, developing communication and research translation skills, gaining insights into the policy process, and more.

Early Educator Advisory Board
We are developing an Early Educator Advisory Board to ensure that the work of the National ECE Workforce Center is meaningful and impactful to the workforce.
Serving as thought partners and advisors, this board will contribute to activities across research and technical assistance and will be composed of teachers representing settings across the sector, including home-based programs, Head Start, community-based centers, tribal child care programs, and state preschools. Board members will receive honorariums.
Please stay tuned for more information.